About Us
  • Research Interests

        Our main research interests are in the field of protein bioinformatics. We are using the laws of physico-chemistry as well as statistical methods to do the analyses and predictions of protein structures, protein functions, protein-ligand and protein-protein interactions. Meanwhile, we are also employing the integrated bioinformatics methods and state-of-the-art molecular modeling techniques to support diverse projects related to AgroBiotechnology. Our directions are as follows:

    Protein Bioinformatics

    Structural Bioinformatics

    Computational Systems Biology

  • Contact Way

       E-mail:   chen_fu@cau.edu.cn
    Telephone: +86-(0)10-62734412
      Address: Room 2066 of the Center of Life Science Building,
    	         China Agricultural University,
    	         No.2 YuanMingYuan West Rd., 
    	         Haidian District, 
    	         Beijing, China
     Postcode: 100193